4secrets about Social Entrepreneurship – Now is the Time

Social entrepreneurship is a major area of interest in many social and civic organizations and has a significant impact on many areas of society. During the past decade economic resources have become more difficult to acquire and society has continued to exhibit economic and cultural decline. Concurrently, communities are in need of initiatives that will enhance their financial viability and … Read More

Risks and Rewards of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship which is the practice of finding and starting a business opportunity, locating and consolidating the required money and materials and taking both the risks and rewards associated with the venture is where all who wish to make and enjoy great wealth should tune their mind and heart to.

Everything in life has two sides like the proverbial two sides … Read More

How To Foster A Culture Of Entrepreneurship In Your Children

Fostering a culture of entrepreneurship in your children is an important factor in supporting them to become self-reliant and financially independent as they grow into adults. It’s a gradual process that requires you as a parent to be actively and effectively involved in your child’s development.

Though formal education is very important and we cannot avoid it, relying on it … Read More

Defining Firm Level Entrepreneurship

According to Zhara et al.. (1999) different scholars use different expressions to describe entrepreneurship (e.g., Entrepreneurship, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Entrepreneurship Posture, Entrepreneurial Orientation), but contrary to the variety of expressions used to describe entrepreneurship. There is consistency regarding entrepreneurship’s definition and measurement.

Generally speaking, entrepreneurship based research usually focus on either Traits or Behavior. Since the nineties, behavior underlie the … Read More

Online Competition Information

Competitions around the world are very forms of find competitions wherein the world. It clearly explains searchers taught to channel gainfully and express thoughts and feelings. Online Competition Information
Competitions around the world site are very helpful for individuals, young and old, who feel that unable to find Competitions, where it’s going on. It is really good for the people … Read More

10 Tips for Running a Golf Competition on Facebook

Running a competition on your website or via Twitter or Facebook is a great way to increase your followers and generate awareness of your golf equipment or your golf course. But there are some rules that you need to follow.

The following are our top 10 Tips for Running a Golf Competition on Facebook

1. Follow the rules of Facebook.… Read More